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  동시접속자:     062
작성일 : 11/09/30
[김현지]님이 요청하신 영문일기
 글쓴이 : songgok
조회 : 7,865  

오늘 날씨가 무척 더웠다
그래서 오늘 우리가족들과 함께
대청소를 했다. 이곳저곳 먼지가 많이 나왔다.
먼지를 너무 많이 먹었는지 목이 좀 아팠다.
대청소를 끝내고 난 시원하게 목욕을했다.
너무 개운했다. 그런데... 대청소를 하다보니
내친구랑 같이 영화보러 가기로 한 약속을
깜빡 잊은 것이다... 그래서 난 전화를 걸었다
벌써 내 친구는 화가 잔뜩 난 상태라
미안하다고 말을 걸었지만 이미 늦은 상태였다.
하루빨리 내 친구가 용서해줬으면 하는 바램이다.
대청소하느라 힘이 들었지만 집안을 훓터보니
아주 깨끗했다 하지만 내친구의 화를 어떻게하면 풀릴수 있을까??

It was very hot today.
so our family members carried out a general cleaning.
There were quite a few dust here and there.
Inhaling the smoke(dust), I had a sore throat.
After finishing the general cleaning,
I had a bath in the tub coolly.
I felt refreshed. By the way...
Thanks to the great cleaning of my house,
I forgot that I had an important appointment,
which was to go to movies with my friend.
so I called him. he already was in a bad temper fully.
So in spite of all words of apology,
He didn't quell his anger. It's so late..
I hope that he will forgive me for my mistake.
Although I had much difficuly in cleaning the house,
Everything was clean and in perfect order owing to the general cleaning.
But,,How can I appease his anger...?


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