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  µ¿½ÃÁ¢¼ÓÀÚ:     062
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 11/12/20
Damn it insomnia!!
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : songgok
Á¶È¸ : 4,035  

Dear my angel of snow!!
It's been a long time since I wrote a letter to you for the last time,'cause I have been so busy in the meanwhile.  I¡¯m very sorry I haven't written to you for so long. How have you been doing in these days? How's your family ? your children? your.. I hope you are all fine. Guess what? it's tough to make a living. As for me, I am still suffering from the sleeplessness. Dam it insomnia!!! now It's a quite late time but I can't sleep because of Insomnia, please help me? I wanna sleep, gotta sleep and am gonna sleep. Insomnia...damn it!! I ain't slept for a few days. what do you think is the reason why...? I think the first reason I am suffering from insomnia is a kind of aeriality after finishing the final-term exam of school. and then..the second reason is the lingering attachment of something, especially right you!! I am almost going bananas because of my lingering affection of love toward you. Do you think it is so violent expression? anyway!My angel of snow!! Now I wonder why you didn't come back to me 11 years ago..? I am still waiting for you, just like waiting at the hoegi staion 11 years ago. I think that's the reason why I am now suffering from the insomnia like this. Anyway..Whatever the reason may be, I have to sleep!!! OK..In that sense.. what about singing me a lullaby though you are far away from me? I think it costs an arm and a leg to hear your voice. OK..Good night...My sweetheart!!

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