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  µ¿½ÃÁ¢¼ÓÀÚ:     059
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 12-11-26 22:58
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : songgok
Á¶È¸ : 3,675  

I will not yield to the panic disorder. ---Never---
so, I went again to this place where I had a panic attack a few days ago.
I didn't take my drugs, a kind of tranquilizer called xanax, to that place
so that I could fight against my friend, panic.
But I couldn't meet it, today I won. I won...

I was waiting for it at the cliff for 1 hour or so, speculating about life and death.
I felt this cliff was like the death-line.
What a close shave I had!!!!
I nearly fell off the cliff when I met a powerful wind.
That was a close shave.

Anyway It didn't appear. it was defeated by my will.
I pride myself on.. I won, I am not afraid of it anymore.
I think this is a horrible fight againt panic disorder.
Dear everyone..
please cheer me up!!!


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