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  µ¿½ÃÁ¢¼ÓÀÚ:     0129
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 11-10-01 11:47
how to fold T-shirts
 ±Û¾´ÀÌ : songgok
Á¶È¸ : 2,787  

I'm gonna show you how to fold a t-shirt in just two seconds.
Pinch it twice, pinch the third time, shake it, and come down, you folded the t-shirt.
I'm gonna show you how to do that right now.

First you need t-shirt, you also need a flat surface. I'm using my bedroom bed. Lay the t-shirt out flat right in front of you. The side should be facing you
Either side doesn't matter. This is done with 3 pinches, shake and right lay down. First pinch is gonna be right here. You are gonna line up with your collar here. You are gonna come down just about half way.

you are gonna make sure you pinch both the top and bottom part of the shirt. So you need get a good solid pinch. I've got both now. You are gonna go straight up, right next to the collar not directly but immediate over an inch or something and grab another pinch again both sides. Once you have done that, you got two pinches. From here, you are gonna draw another imaginary line right down to the bottom. You are gonna do it with your left hand what i'm using.

You are gonna bring this one around back and also grab this. You tell it looks like drag it aroung back don't worry if figure is messed up, keep your pinches, and then you also grab this one too.
So now you kind of got 2 pinches there. OK?

All you do is gonna shake it out then you should be seeing something like this. And then it is a simple matter of laying it over. And that's it. One more time? Flag your shirt out flat. You grab two pinches right here. You come around back with this one holding firmly on that pinch. And you are gonna grab right there without imaginary line. and you just shaked out just like that. And then fold it over. And that's the 2-second shirt fold.


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