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Dear an anonymous person.
Thanks for your congratualation!
But...I think it's no good at all.
and...Under lacking skill of making homepage,
It cost me a great deal of trouble.
Sometimes I broke up the home without reception and then made it one by one again,
asking a professional advice.
Thanks to an professal adviser whose name is Q.
I could nearly complete this work.
If it is repaired a little ,it will be completed perfectly.
And..I think you are very modest in your speech.
Frankly speaking, It seems that you have a better command of English than I.
Well...I think the ability of speakig and communicating in English is self-confidence.
With self-conficence, please do your utmost.
Thanks for your congratualation mail once more.
please love and have an interested in my site--http://www.songgok.com.
I wish I can help you!!!
I pray to God for your bless!!
From an administrator of SONGGOK.COM, Son Bum Sik