동시접속자: 087 |
작성일 : 11/10/01
[다친친구위로]에 관한 영문편지 예문
조회 : 5,521
Dear Pole,
I'm really sorry that you broke your leg last week.
I heard you were tripped over someone's leg when you were playing soccer.
I'm surprised that you were so seriously injured.
Did you see a doctor and get a plaster cast?
Once broke, a bone might become weaker so it may be easily broken again.
You must take good care of yourself during the healing process.
I believe it must be very uncomfortable for you.
You'll need to get proper exercise to strengthen that bone.
It'll take time and I hope you'll get better soon.
Please don't feel too discouraged. Cheer up, Pole!
caring about you,
Ja Ran.